
Three weeks in

Yesterday as I gathered with the other Sisters in my house for evening prayer,  i realized something: we're almost through the third week of Lent.

How did that happen? That was my first question.  But then I asked myself a more honest question.  How am I doing with my own Lenten journey?

Truth be told, not that well. My own ego, schedule and general busyness has taken priority over my desire to be especially intentional in my relationship with God this Lent.

But thankfully, it is never too late. God is always loving us, inviting us into our own heart where we will find the very heart of Jesus.

How is your Lent going? Honestly...

1 comment:

Pachyderm said...

Lent. Hmmm.

My Lent has turned from a planned peaceful contemplation of the Passion to absolutely trusting God for every second of every day, as we frantically pack up our lives here and prepare to move 6 hours north for a new job, new home, new life....

Massive decluttering (which is good), huge amounts of prayer (short sharp "Please God, Help!") and seeing God planning and executing things in ways we could never dream.

Prayers for sale of house appreciated!
Sr Therese