
twists and turns

I’m slowly plugging away on my groovy sisters application. I just got my baptism/confirmation certificates in the mail so that’s out of the way. I also made appointments with the dentist and doctor.

And I’ve been working on my autobiography. It’s got me thinking about the twists and turns of life. You never know what impact something you say or do might have on someone down the line. Or how doing one thing might lead you in an entirely different direction.

I’ve wondered how much to include about certain people and events. For example, I had a brief juvenile delinquent phase in middle school. Yes you should be honest, but to get a life into 5-10 pages I’ll have to cut some stuff out. On the one hand I was thinking, do I really want them to know about that? My behavior wasn’t very "nun-like"! But then again it’s part of the twists and turns of life. I learned a lot about forgiveness and responsibility and justice. So for now it’s in, although we’ll see how much detail.


andrea said...

In the "twists and turns" department, it's odd to trace something back and see how it came about. If it hadn't been for one little event in one place, something far down the road wouldn't have happened the way it did. As you start adding up the twists and turns and coincidences and being in the right place at the right time, after a while it starts to seem like the Holy Spirit had a hand in there the whole time.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Thanks for the comment Andrea. And very true.

You know, working on this autobiography has me thinking about things and people I haven't thought of in a long time. We get so used to who we are now. It's nice sometimes to visit who we were.

And there's no way I could explain this journey and how I happen to be on it were it not for the Holy Spirit.