
i had a dream

I woke up this morning having dreamt that I was a published author.

The book?

"The Modern Girl's Guide to Vocation Discernment"

It had a pink stylized cover, kind of like those "Bad Girl Guides to Dating" from a few years back.

Weird. Can you tell where my mind is?

Updated: here's my hypothetical book's cover. I know what they say about not judging a book by its cover. But what about starting a book WITH the cover? :)



Regina said...

Hey, there might be a real market for that book, Susan! Why not? A little encouragement goes a long way for some people, and books can do exactly that! Was your dream prohetic?!

andrea said...

That might actually be a good idea. It would remind women that people still do that whole "nun thing," it didn't die out. You have friends at Paulist Press...or at least friends who have friends at Paulist Press.

Karen Sapio said...

I like it! Would it be a monograph or a compilation of thoughts from many young sisters, or sister wanna-bes?

Unknown said...

It sounds prophetic to me!

Emily said...

I love it! Go for it.

Regina said...

Wow- that's a great cover! Tee hee! Susan- very exciting!

Steph Youstra said...

There was one night where a couple of us "new kids" were discussing that we should put together a book with stories of different people at different places in discernment -- some who decided to enter, some who decided not, some who entered and stayed (thus far, anyway), some who entered and left ..... not everyone has the opportunity to get first-hand accounts like that.

In other words ..... I don't think that's a bad idea at all. If you want some contributions, let me know! (Our vocation director has connections, too!)

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Wow! Thanks for the great responses everyone.

When I said the book was a "dream," I meant that literally. I dreamt about it last night/this morning just before waking.

Not that it was a "dream" of mine to write this book.

But now I'm thinking this is worth some prayer and reflection. It would be great to have a book like this. As Andrea said to let people know the whole "nun thing" didn't die out. A collection of stories (Steph - if I do decide to explore this I'll be in contact!). Resources - online and not. All done in fun and with a sense of women's reality today.


Kathryn said...

Well, given how much I and my college friends love reading all the assorted "10 years of ordained C of E women" stories, I would have thought it would be a winner...The only problem might be finding the time to actually write the thing!

natala said...

that's an awesome idea :)

CafeCath said...

Love it!

~pen~ said...

i am with all these folks - i think it is a spiffy idea :)

Jen said...

Add my voice to the list of those who love the idea! :)

Theresa Coleman said...

I want to read it, too!

When's it out?

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Well .... I've got a lot on my plate. So who knows when I'll get to this. Although I did check out a few book on writing a book proposal from the library :)

The idea is a great one. And as I meet more Sisters and women in discernment (many of them in the bloggy world) I know I'll find people with great stories and experiences to share.

So, it might take a while. But I think it's quite possible I'm meant to write this book.

So, stay tuned..... thanks everyone!