

Picked up a book of short daily reflections from Thomas Merton's Journals at the library last week. I've really been enjoying it in the evening. Last night's Merton touched on something I've been pondering of late ... the oh so cool mystery of the living word of God.

Every word that comes from the mouth of God is nourishment that feeds the soul with eternal life. ... By reading of Scripture I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed round me and with me. The sky seems more pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green, light is sharper on the outline of the forest, and the hills and whole world are charged with the glory of God, and I feel fire and music in the earth under my feet.
Someone told me a story the other day about some local protestant church (I think the UCC) who walked in a local neighborhood parade. They were in fact the first group in the parade, and their banner said, "God is Speaking." The parade started from the local Catholic church parking lot. Some unnamed older parishioner turned to the pastor and said, "Father, they are mistaken. God has spoken." I'm not sure what the pastor said to the parishioner. But I think that God is indeed speaking. Through the living word. Through the breaking of the bread. Through our daily lives and interactions.


Unknown said...

That would be a UCC church, yes. The phrase is "God is Still Speaking," with a comma to suggest there is more to come.

Jen said...

Thanks for this post, Susan. Beautiful.

Mark Mossa, SJ said...

Interesting. This speaks, I think, of one of the sources of tension in the Church today--between those that believe that "God is speaking" and those that believe "God has spoken." The temptation often times, I find, is toward the latter. If we can refer to an established set of rules rather than dealing with the messy reality of things it's just easier, but probably less Christ-like.

Karen Sapio said...

God has spoken, God is speaking, God will speak again . . .