

My site meter tells me that a recent visitor found my site by searching for
pedicure ticklish - "so ticklish" -"very ticklish" -"really ticklish" -"extremely

They stayed around for 10 seconds and 2 page views (My barefoot before God post is what drew the search engine).

A longer stay than the person looking for "Vatican II nun habit." Other recent searches? "Sprite cookies paulist" (they were looking for my bloggy friend Brandon), "Poor clare novices," "nuns clothes," and "voice mail messages."

My favorite all time search so far though has to be the really, very, extremely so ticklish pedicure one.


lorem ipsum said...

My favorite one for my site was something like 'pictures of male strippers at my bachelorette party.' I had no idea how my site came up until I remembered my description of a hen party I witnessed on my honeymoon in Ireland and commenting on how nice it was and how much fun the girls seemed to be having without having to have male strippers present.

May all your hits be clean ones!

Sadie Lou said...

I love looking at the site meter. That's how I found you, actually. Your blog came up and I liked the "actjustly" part of address. The google searches are hilarious. Someone found my blog by typing in the key word:
I had a post with that title when I had the flu.
Also, the key words:
"Turkish Delight"
I posted a recipe for Turkish Delight when I did a post on The Chronicles of Narnia being made into movies.
Funny stuff.