

You know, I’ve just not been feeling centered lately. I had an "aha" moment today on my way to mass where I realized that as I get busier, I find less time for two things – exercise and prayer. I don’t cut them out of my routine, but they get less time allotted to them. And then I wonder why I feel anxious or tired or whatever the non-centered feeling is. It can compound itself, so I’m taking notice and taking action. It’s 9:45 pm. I just got back from a pastoral council meeting. I’m turning off the computer. Putting in the yoga video. Then some quiet time for meditation before bed. We’ll see if my theory is correct.


Unknown said...

Turning off the computer? What does that mean?
Okay, just kidding. You make a very good point.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Susan - you and me too. I have finally had to recognize that if I skip prayer I'm in for an awful day - all jagged and anxious and full of stress. This happened this week - had worked late one night, got up late the next day, and hurried myself to work, where I proceeded to be miserable. I remembered at some point in that day that this was what my whole life used to feel like. It doesn't seem to matter much how I pray, but spending that half hour is now essential to my being.
