
Traveler's Prayer - Part I

"I give you PRAISE, God of my journey:
For the power of love, the discovery of friends, the truth of beauty,
For the wonder of growth, the taste of transformation,
For the miracle of life, the seed of my soul, the gift of becoming,
For the mystery of journey, the bend in the road, the pauses that refresh,
For the faith that lies deep enough to permeate discouragement and anxiety."

We are all on our very own amazing journey, with God as travel guide and companion. We used this prayer this weekend. It spoke to me deep in my heart, and so I wanted to share it with you, my bloggy friends. Each section is so powerful so I'll be splitting it into parts.

Love. Friendship. I reconnected with a long lost friend last night on the phone. The two of us have been wonderously growing, transforming our lives. Or rather, experiencing the gift of transformation, the gift of becoming who we are meant to be. The journey has many twists and turns. At times we may hurt others, at other times we may hurt ourselves, as we struggle to understand the journey, to find our way and ultimately to accept God's gift of life. And how amazing is it when we pause and reflect and feel that deep faith that brings peace and comfort and consolation. Strength to continue on the journey.


Beth said...

Thanks for the prayer!

Also, thanks for the blog!

soul-seeker said...

Is this prayer from Joyce Rupp's Praying Our Goodbyes? I love it. I pray this whenever I'm about to go through a major change in life.