
one of those moments, or several of them actually

It was my turn to facilitate my local Pax Christi Chapter meeting tonight. I was prepared. Opening prayer tied into tomorrow's Feast of St Francis. And then we were continuing discussion using a reflection guide on consumerism.

Of course my cell phone starting singing Ode to Joy (my sister calling) in the middle of a very intelligent conversation. And I couldn't find the phone. And it kept ringing. And ringing. And ringing. Ugghh...

The rest of the evening went well. We kept getting off topic so I decided that was where the conversation wanted to go and moved it officially onto the new topic. A good move I think.

Trying to schedule another meeting to plan an Advent Peace Vigil, I ran smack into my schedule problem. Always full, it is now insanely full with groovy sister activities and work and church. So I found myself sharing the "nun-news" in a backwards way, when I was basically just trying to explain why I might not be able to help plan the vigil. Totally awkward of me. Ugghhh....

Then, closing prayer. My mind was focused on the fact that I needed to pick up a friend from the airport. And I had nothing prepared. And unfortunately, being a candidate with the groovy sisters does not magically give me extemperaneous prayer powers. I'm not great, but can usually pull it off. Tonight though ... unarticulate rambling. Ugghhhh....

Oh well. We got good work done. And I'm sure if folks are thinking about anything I said or did, it's the sudden revelation of the nun-news.

By the way, my sister left a message: "Hi Susie! (she always calls me Susie to which I always cringe). It's almost Rosh Hashanah. I know its a Jewish Holiday but I'm embarassed to admit I don't know what it means. And then I thought, who better to ask then my almost-nun-sister."

Made me smile. Of course it was to late to call her back. I may not know to turn my phone off when facilitating a meeting or how to say a coherent and meaningful prayer off the top of my head, but at least I know what the Jewish New Year is about. Sort of :)

Night .... I have to entertain a group of foreign visitors from Russia tomorrow at work.


Anonymous said...

L'shana tovah, my goyishe friend.

Talmida said...

Happy Birthday, Adam & Eve!!