
in honor of the olymipcs

Brain dead this evening, I turned to silly internet quizzes for some perspective. And seeing as I've been meaning to watch the olympics and haven't had time, I thought I'd see what winter sport I resemble most.

You Are Hockey

Tough, athletic, and not afraid of a fight.
You don't mind putting your body on the line!

Perfect! I love (watching) hockey. Can't ice skate of course, but I did grow up watching the Washington Caps. Watching them lose most times, but it was still fun. I also learned lots of swear words as our season ticket neighbor behind us always had something (loud and rude) to say to the officials down on the ice. And it has occurred to me that one benefit of being in New Jersey for novitiate next fall will be easier access to nhl hockey. I'm hundreds of miles from a team here in Portland, and minor league hockey is just not the same!

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