
light through the darkness

Another picture from my trip. At the time it reminded me of God. This is what I've always pictured God speaking from the heavens to look like ... think a booming voice saying "This is my beloved Son." I'm having a tough day, and now it reminds me that light shines even through the darkness. Which come to think of it, also makes it a picture of God.


Unknown said...

Awesome picture! It's something like Consolation and Desolation - even when we fall into desolation, God's light is always there waiting behind the dark clouds to bathe us in light and warmth.

Lisa said...

I agree with the title Richard poses. Susan,I forgot your e-mail address. Is it somewhere on the blog?

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

My email is in the sidebar where it says "questions".

lorem ipsum said...

Funny you should say that. When I see light coming over the clouds, lighting up the edge - in photography that's called 'rim lighting' - I call it God light. Glad to hear it's been validated by someone a bit closer!