
purge, pack, party

My goal was to be pretty much done with project purge/sort/pack by this afternoon. Tonight is the going away party my friends are throwing for me (should be fun). Tomorrow is the deadline to drop off rummage for next weekend’s rummage sale (so I needed to be done with that). And tomorrow Jason is flying into town. We’re heading from the airport to the Oregon Coast, and then he’ll be staying with me in my now extremely simple lodgings until he enters the Jesuit Novitiate down the street from me next Saturday.

Well, I’m happy to report that except for 2 giant boxes of paper I need to sort through, a pile of paper to be shredded and some assorted odds and ends, I’m finished!!!!

This means that I can spend my last two weeks in Portland relaxing and spending quality time with folks. Of course I also have to work next Tuesday through Friday (the last 4 days of my Bureaucratic Novena), but that will be good in its own way.

I just checked the UPS website and most of my boxes found their way to the Novitiate House in New Jersey. Two were apparently “left in a UPS facility” and forwarded a few days later, whatever that means. They’ll get there soon. And I’ll be there 3 1/2 weeks from now myself. Crazy!

But for now, time to finish up and maybe take a nap before the soiree.


Lisa said...

Wow, what a fete! I hope that at some point in the future you'll have the opportunity to write reflectively in retrospect about the experience of packing up and clearing out. I imagine it will be quite thoughtprovoking.

Hope the party was phenomenal, and enjoy the days ahead!

Michelle said...

So happy for you but well, sorta sad too. Glad to know that daunting task of packing is over and you and Jason are enjoying the Coast!