
Susan's Bureaucratic Novena - Day Nine!

It’s Friday. Today’s my last day as a bureaucrat and I have one week before I become “Sr. Susan.” My friend Jason has one day left before he enters the Jesuit Novitiate (check out his blog for what types of conversations that leads to). We did what all wise novices-to-be would do in similar situations and watched X-Men 3.

On a more serious note, I can’t really describe the mishmash of emotions I’m feeling as I face tomorrow. On the one hand I’ve been looking forward to this day for years. My path to discerning religious life started 3 plus years ago when I realized I was bored with my career of choice. That in turn gave me the freedom to start to hear this call. But on the other hand, I’ve always been a government worker, or else I was in college studying to be a government worker and before that I used to play in my mother and father’s offices while they were government workers. This is a big shift for me. An identity change. And so I pray as I head out for one last day…

God of all that is and all that was and all that will be, guide us as we navigate this day. Help us to be present in the moment and to look forward in hope, trust and faith to what is coming around the bend. May the partings be sweet and the party enjoyable for all. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Dear Susan Rose,

I found your blog by chance and have been following your journey during the past weeks. I know from my own experience entering the convent 15 years ago, how it felt to let go of all familiar things and people and to dare dive into this new convent life....I can assure you, HE- who desires you and whom you seek- is there with you, carrying you through all the letting-go situations, freeing you for His love and waiting for you eagerly....
I keep you in prayers,
Sr. S.A

Lisa said...

You know, if it helps at all, there's nothing to say that as a CSJP you won't again be a government worker :) There are quite a few I know of who've worked for the state or state agencies or non-profits that worked closely with government, so ... keep steadfast to God's heart and as you know God will lead you always to where you need to be!

Enjoy today and the reflections that follow soon after and in the future!

Perhaps, even, someday you can write a memoir about it...

The Ironic Catholic said...

Blessings on the day!

Anonymous said...

Lisa's right. Besides that experience with government can also serve well in the struggle to change government policies! As a soon to be former government worker, you can speak their language and be determined through the bureaucratic struggle. Now you can uses your skills to better ends. That is how I see my job in advocacy for the uninsured. The "tasks" are mostly the same as any desk job - phone calls, e-mails, meetings, toiling in a field of always growing paperwork - but "The Work" makes all the difference.
Be open to all the possibilities.
Travel safely,

lorem ipsum said...

Congratulations and blessings as you start this exciting new journey!!