nature amazes me
About a month ago one of my groovy Sisters gave me this cone from a big tree on the property of our West Coast groovy headquarters. It's beautiful and reminds me of home, so it's been sitting in my prayer space in a place of honor ever since. The other day I looked over and saw that it had fallen to the ground and parts of it had broken off. Including this ...
... a perfect rose! My first reaction was (in my groggy early morning state) "miracle!". Then I realized that I'd seen native American jewelry with similar "carved" roses, I'd just never known where they came from. Some internet sleuthing told me that "Cedar cones disintegrate when mature; the 'roses' are the tops of the cones that get pushed off when the cones dry out and disintegrate." Not suprising then that my cone dried out in this overly heated institutional building.
It's still a miracle, these cedar roses carved by our loving creator. Absolutely amazing.
that's really amazing.
What an amazing symbol for the first winter of the first year in the novitiate, too.
I think that perhaps the miracle is seeing the divine when it is our nature to be so self-centered.
Happy new year, sister.
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