
you have to wonder

WaPo is reporting that 7 Monks were injured in a clash over a Monastery in Greece:

Rival groups of monks wielding crowbars and sledgehammers clashed Wednesday over control of a 1,000-year-old monastery in a community regarded as the cradle of Orthodox Christianity, police said. ...

Esphigmenou monastery is the scene of a long-running dispute between Orthodox Church authorities and rebel monks who occupy the facility. Both Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, leader of the Orthodox Christian church, and Greece's highest administrative court have ordered their eviction, but the monks have refused to budge. ...

Esphigmenou is one of 20 monasteries on Athos, where women are banned.

You have to wonder ... would this have happened if women weren't banned from the Island?


Anonymous said...

You need to learn about why women are not allowed at Mount Athos going back to when the Theotokos Herself visited the peninsula. Also, realize the edict banning women has been in existence since 1060 A.D., Further, during certain exceptional periods, like the Greek Civil War, Mount Athos has been a place of shelter for some women and girls. Also, it is the case that a former Greek beauty pageant winner disguised herself and visited Mount Athos.
Finally, let us know when men can join your order and all other Roman Catholic convents as well. You have to wonder if you would about Mount Athos banning women if you had to deal with men in your religious order. How's that sister? ;)

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Well, oh anoymous commenter, we are a womens' religious community so our vowed members are (according to our Constitutions which follow Canon law) all women.

HOWEVER, we do have male and female Associate members of our Congregation.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

And thanks for the info about why women are banned from the island. I still find the whole monks fighting monks thing very interesting.