
if I were a literary heroine

I'll admit that I haven't often wondered who I would be if I were a literary heroine, but I am pleased with the results of this quiz. I'm 42% Elizabeth Bennet from one of my all time favorite books Pride & Prejudice

Elizabeth Bennet
Often called Lizzy, Elizabeth is the heroine of Pride and Prejudice. The seceond eldest of five sisters, she is witty and intelligence, though her prejudice prevents her from recognizing her true love when he appears. However, Mr. Darcy, though he appears proud, wins her love and respect, but not before she believes she's lost him forever.

And 41% Anne "with an e" Shirley from Anne of Green Gables, another of my favorites.

Anne Shirley
The loveable redhead of "Anne of Green Gables." Anne lives on Prince Edward Island, and never ceases to astonish it's inhabitants. She's a writer, matchmaker, and can generally be found getting into some scrape or the other. Gilbert Blythe, one of her dearest friends, is in love with her, but she refuses to see it for many years.

Hat tip to Jocelyne.

Which Classic Heroine are You?

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