
Returning on a Jet Plane

I found my way to John Wayne Airport in the wee hours of the morn for my return to Novitiateland. My flight to Newark was departing from Gate 11. At Gate 12 there was a flight to Seattle. At Gate 10 there was a flight to Portland. I managed to get myself on the flight to Newark, but I found the other options interesting!

Seriously though ... we have just passed the 5 month mark of the Canonical year. It's almost half way over. The first month felt like years, but since then it's been speeding along. Over the weekend people kept asking me if I was happy with my choice and if I was enjoying myself. My answer to the first was yes, my answer to the second was that I'm not sure Novitiate is something you "enjoy." As far as I can tell it's something you make it through and then look back fondly on the other end.

It was good to be with family and to see my brother happily married. I also enjoyed being on the West Coast again. I miss the Left Coast. It's just different there. But like I said, I managed to make it onto the plane to NJ. Tomorrow we head back to our Intercommunity Novitiate for another set of classes. So it's back into the swing of things! I'll check back in on Thursday.

By the way, this is post # 1,001 on the blog. Wow.


littlemissattitude said...

Your post reminds me of when I was in school. For a couple of years my route to school took me past the junction that would have put me on the road to Morro Bay and Pismo Beach (about a three hour drive away). There were days when I really, really, really wanted to take the cut-off and just head out instead of going to classes.

But, I was good and went to school every day. And now I'm glad I did. But, boy, it was sure tempting sometimes.

Hang in there. :)

Sarah said...

i have the same problem when i even hear of someone going to the dc area......
i miss it down there. it would probably be a little warmer there too.