
true peace is the reward of conflict

From our groovy founder, Margaret Anna Cusack:

We all desire peace. There may indeed be some who have not had much experience of life and its cares, who find it a pleasure in excitement and unrest, but this feeling cannot continue very long. There are others, also, whose lives seem to be full of an intentional disquiet; but this is not because they do not desire peace, but rather because they will not seek it in the only way in which it can be found, and so they try to distract themselves from the pursuit on which they are unwilling to enter. In itself, they may know the way of peace, but true peace is the reward of conflict, and they do not care to face the difficulties of obtaining it, even though they are encountering far greater difficulties in avoiding it. But the peace which we seek is the peace of God; and that peace may be ours in the very midst of the heaviest suffering, temporal or spiritual, bodily or mental.
-The Pilgrim's Way to Heaven, 1873

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