
How Much?

I took this picture last week during one of the rambling walks of my retreat. The thought that was going through my mind was something like - this is how much God loves us. Wider than the sky ... no, wider still, wider than we can even imagine, let alone photograph.

I was reminded of that quote from Abraham Lincoln about not asking whether God is on our side, but more importantly are we on God's? Of course our Creator God loves us beyond our very imaginings. But how much do we love God? And how do we, how do I, live that love?

That's my deep thought for the day. I'm sure the blog will get less serious with oodles of blog quizzes soon. In the meantime if you want a laugh, visit Estefania's page for a video of the Muppets "singing" Danny Boy!


4ever said...

Susan, you are living it now by asking the questions. I have learn that living the religious life is not the answer but the hope and dream that I and yourself can be a contributing factor in God's plan. Its like the government or corporate America, one person can make a difference but most important one person can begin a change to justice and peace and our society as a world, not just a nation.

Processing Counselor said...

What a beautiful picture!