
spring experience

Nicole asked in a comment to one of my latest posts what types of ministry experiences I will have this spring. I'll know more once I actually start Tuesday & Wednesday at my new ministry sites, but I can give a sneak peek.

Two days a week I will be working with a domestic violence program here in Jersey City.

Three days a week I will be working with a program in Newark for women who have escaped human trafficking situations.

Both ministries promise to be challenging, intense, and life changing. My novice director gave me some questions to sit with a I prepare for these experiences. One question was, "What are you goals for this ministry experience." My goal is a simple one: to bring my gifts and abilities to the programs, but more importantly to be open to what I have to learn from the women themselves. To be willing to be changed at the heart level, to really live into these words from our Constitutions:

Because our founder showed particular concern
for justice toward women,
we commit ourselves to be involved in ministries and action
which affect the contemporary situation of women
in the church and in society.

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