
busy busy day

When I was living in London for my ministry experience in the Fall and people asked me what I did all day, I'd always find myself telling them about buttering toast! (To catch up for those of you who missed out on that exciting time in my life, I was working at a homeless day center in London and spent my mornings serving breakfast for the homeless - my specialty was obviously the toast). There were other elements to my ministry, but the toast was the common element in each day and in a way was where I touched the most people - or at least touched their toast! ;)

It's Springtime now and I'm spending my second ministry experience in New Jersey. Three days a week I'm helping out at a program that works with victims of human trafficking as well as recent refugees and immigrants. They're a bit short staffed, and so sometimes I spend my time helping out at the reception desk. Today I spent the whole day at the reception desk as someone was out sick. Having spent most of my professional career in an office environment, I'm fairly comfortable in the role. Of course, as the newbie I don't always know where to direct people, and sadly my lack of spanish proficiency also poses problems. There are other elements to my ministry there, but when I'm able to help out with the phones I am in contact with more people. It's a simple way to be a peaceful presence to people who are stressed out and facing very difficult circumstances. And one thing is for sure ... the day certainly flew by!

My main challenge was in actually answering the phone. My instinct was to say the name of the office where I worked for 11+ years! I managed to catch myself, but a few times I answered and it took me a moment to remember what to say!

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