I just had to share this ecard that I got from my friend Katie ... it's too cute. I must say my friends - those who are religious and those who are decidedly not - have been very accepting of this wonderful crazy journey of mine.
I had to do a print screen, so the print is a little hard to read. The card itself reads "Congratulations on defying marriage statistics." The personal message says ... "by getting engaged to God!"
My family has also been very supportive. My nephew in fact has a new name for my vows ceremony .... "Nunitiation." I LOVE IT!
That card is wonderful. And actually, I like it as an anniversary card too! I'll have to remember it.
Dear Susan,
Congratulations in anticipation of your first vows! What an awesome step on an amazing journey! May grace, love and peace be with you, and surround you, in these special times - and as you move on.
As an aside, we actually met several weeks ago, right before Memorial Day, when I met with Sr. Sheila at your motherhouse. (You all were finishing dinner when I arrived). I, of course, recognized you from your blog. One of those "internet intersects" moments.
What inspired me to respond with a long and rambling response after being an occasional lurker (and a 40-something lifetime discerner, career corporate executive turned volunteer / employee with a religious congregation), besides your wonderful news, was a few observations about the EFFECT and AFFECT of the blog as a medium of simultaneously sharing your story as you are living and experiencing your immersion into religious life (and integrating that life into everything).
Certainly,one "effect" has been the visible representation of God's hand in your growth in the charism which you first fell in love with and defined your decision to enter your community - the charism which has drawn you, guided you, attracted you and now embraces you fully. The evolution of your entries reflects your walking the walk of the talk you talk!! Certainly, a characteristic trait of your foundress - the bold, outspoken woman for peace and justice she was - and CSJP sisters who have followed, whose love and energy for mission and inclusion is such an awesome presence today!
(I first became aware of the CSJPs in Seattle as I was working on a project for another religious congregation, and never forgot the impression I received when I walked into Peace Health, in addition to the welcome and support I received. Having been educated by the SSJs in suburban Philadelphia also made me curious as I found out about other Sisters of St. Joseph out there as well).
Next, the exciting and motivational "affect" of the presence and witness of religious life today these blogs offer is real gift. The glimpse of life and experiences of today's sisters (I am a visitor to Sr. Julie's, A Nun's Life, blog as well) who are willing to share your "real life" stories online have created these wonderful, integrated communities of connection, inspiration and support. They also reflect life circumstances and relationships (it is called religious life, after all)of today's times and how religious life and ministry fits in to these times (as it always has and hopefully always will continue to respond to the events, needs and people of the day).
This is such an important message to keep out there, because it updates the images of old rhetoric, structures and the sometimes superficial mystery of the habits and convents that can distance religious life in some minds from real life. Of course, the old images still sell many a greeting card and satirical book and play, as well as attracts the camera operators every time the ceremonious church surrounds the altar and its hierarchy with full-habited representatives first and at the forefront(oops, sounds like a Sr. Julie rant, now).
Anyway, such witness of religious life and living religiously is not only brought to others through this interactive medium, but brought out in others as well -- as demonstrated time and time again by all of the responses and comments.
There is so much searching out here - so much passion and desire seeking God's will and real relationship with Jesus.
The fact that there are those who are willing to not only share their life with God and others, but also reveal their thoughts and feelings about it as well, is a wonderful ministry in and of itself.
Many thanks to you and others who are willing to do so with us. Please know an entire community that you have created and invited in this online world prays and celebrates with you, not only on October 11th, but every day.
Blessings, Sister!
P.S. Please keep us late bloomers and discerners in your thoughts and prayers. Remember, 50 is the new 30!
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