
Retreat Prayer

This was my third year of making a week long silent directed retreat. My first one was a wee bit challenging at times to get through, mostly because I’d come from a the midst of a major disaster in the making at work. Plus, I’d only made weekend retreats before that and I wasn’t used to so much quiet time! Last year I came into my week of retreat after a year of retreat – the canonical novitiate. I was much better at simply being, and it was a graced time. This year was a time of great consolation and quality time with myself and with God. I feel very lucky for the chance to take a week out of my year to just be!

I don’t know how I got into this habit, but I’ve been writing a retreat prayer each year to take the retreat experience with me. Looking back at previous retreat prayers, I realize the wisdom in the old adage: be careful what you pray for! For what it’s worth, here’s my 2008 prayer:

Gracious God,
Guide me by the shining light of your love.
Open my heart … and then expand it!
May I remember to go easy, be filled with light, and to shine.

(Inspired in part by a poem by Mary Oliver)

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