
Jay & Joey

I spent the bulk of my day - and part of my evening, with two young men named Jay & Joey. Let me explain ...

I spent my morning & afternoon at an all-day web design class. You see, blogger has spoiled me and I haven't had to use Dreamweaver or ... egads! ... html for a long, long time. It looks like I might be part of the team to do some work on our website at work, so I took a refresher class. I'm happy to report that I remembered everything I was hoping to remember and learned some new tricks as well! It is amazing to think how far we've come from the days when I designed the first City elections website in hard html code in 1998!! It was functional, but given the amount of time that went into it vs the design quality it's a good thing they've built programs that pretty much do all the work for you!

Jay - he was the computer instructor - was very friendly and responsive to the questions of our small class of 3.

Now, onto Joey. I've managed to get myself into a pretty good routine with ministry, community and prayer. The one thing that's been missing has been regular exercise. It's dark and rainy at night when I'm home from work, so walks are out of the question. I haven't managed to get up early enough on a regular basis to use my exercise videos. I was lamenting my options since I didn't have enough money in my budget for a gym membership when I discovered that the local community center has a very nice fitness center and an incredibly reasonable monthly pass!

I went this evening for the mandatory 1 hour orientation session (with Joey - of course). He was a very nice and energetic young man - I'd put him at 18 if he's a day - who took his time to briskly put me through the paces of explaining everything I could ever possibly want to know about the fitness center and each and every machine.

Eons ago, I actually had a gym membership. More than that, I had a personal trainer and even went to the gym regularly. So, as he was explaining a certain machine things would click in my little brain and I would remember -- just as I had hours earlier in my web design class.

Thanks to Jay & Joey for their friendly attitude and for helping me to remember things I'd forgotten through lack of use. Hopefully I'll keep my knowledge fresh and active in the future!

1 comment:

Garpu said...

you know you're officially old, when people like Jay and Joey call you Ma'am. :)