
Margaret Anna Fridays

Every Friday, I’m going to share a quote from the founder of my groovy sisters, Margaret Anna Cusack, known in religion as Mother Francis Clare. This week’s installment …

The rich want to keep their money for their pleasures, the poor, it can be said in all truth, ask it for their necessities. Have you ever realised to yourself at all, what it would be to try and support an entire family on ten shillings a week? Have you ever realised to yourself at all, what it would be like to live on bread, and weak tea, and perhaps but once in the week a mouthful of bacon?
-Women's Work in Modern Society, 1874

1 comment:

Eliza said...

I have been through several dire financial times in my life. I lived in a tent, I had 6 months of Ramen and spent years deciding which Peter I was to rob to pay which Paul. It does give someone a different perspective on what is important and, I hope, more patient with others who are fighting silent battles. It also gives me perspective now that I am stable financially. I own a house with my husband that we could afford on either income (not well... but it is possible) and have good health care. Just how blessed I really am. It makes one grateful for small mercies. :-)