
Margaret Anna Fridays - Giving Voice Edition

Every Friday, I’m going to share a quote from the founder of my groovy sisters, Margaret Anna Cusack, known in religion as Mother Francis Clare. This week’s installment …

For as you know, the religious orders in the Church of God are like the flowers in a garden each has its own use, its own duty, its own special perfume and is own beauty. All are good because all have the Divine sanction. All are useful because each has is own special work. Hence let us love and care for all as far as it is in our power to do so and let us rejoice in their joys and sorrow in their griefs. - Margaret Anna Cusack, General Letter to the Congregation, April 1887

This weekend I get to spend some time with the other flowers in the garden ... and in the sun! I will be gathering with fifteen other women religious in their 20s & 30s for the annual Giving Voice Under 40's MLK Weekend retreat. This will be my fourth under 40s weekend (and close to my last). This year I'm co-leading the weekend with two other GV friends. I've got an early morning flight tomorrow so that I can get there early enough to act as airport shuttle for the other sisters coming. Every year is a different experience, but each one has been just what I've needed at that time.

Through contemplation, conversation and celebration, we will lift up our deepest desires for religious life, dig into our deep questions, and share how we are already living religious life as it is emerging in the 21st century. We'll also laugh and just relax ... there is something amazing that comes from being with other young women in religious life. We may spend the rest of the year in other flower gardens, but what we have in common creates a deep bond and lasting friendship.

I probably won't be posting until the weekend is over. Peace - Susan

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