

I've been back in Seattle since late Thursday night. Headed back to work on Monday morning. Glad to have a little window of time to re-enter my everyday world, with all the to-do lists, tasks and frenzy that entails.

Today is a pretty lazy Saturday. Headed to acupuncture in a bit. Lectoring at the 5pm mass at my local parish. And giving some thought to an opportunity I have tomorrow afternoon to share my vocation story with 8 young women attending a vocation retreat.

In the meantime, I'm remembering this smiley face someone made on the beach outside the retreat center. A good image to keep in mind and heart for my re-entry days!


Viva! MG said...

And as one of the 8 women lucky enough to hear your testimony sunday afternoon, I say Thank you!!!

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

It was so great being with you all yesterday for the vocation retreat. Trust and know that you are all in my prayers, and if I can be of any help you know how to find me!
Sister Susan