Seven years ago on an August day I took a risk and drove three hours north to attend a vocation retreat with the Sisters of St Joseph of Peace. I met the Sisters and some other discerners, learned the founding story of the Sisters, discovered Margaret Anna Cusack, and perhaps most importantly began to get a glimpse of who God might be calling me to be. I remember feeling instantly at home, which to be honest freaked me out a little bit. Here was a community of women with the same spirit and desire for peace that I found in my own heart.
I returned to Portland and my single girl life. But I also started taking baby steps on the journey into religious life. I started talking to Sr. Jo-Anne, our vocation director. I became a precandidate. candidate and then novice. At each step it made sense to take the next one. I was filled with peace and joy as I continued to add my own unique mix of "Susan-ness" to the crazy wonderful CSJP mix. Three years ago I made temporary vows and continued the journey. Ministry, community, prayer, study, fun , laugter, tears, hopes, dreams and work for peace through justice. God is very good.
This afternoon the journey continued when I recieved a call from Sister Margaret, our Congregation leader, affirming my deep desire to profess final vows. And so, it is time to get busy planning my final profession on 11.11.11
God is very good!
Congrats Susan! That is wonderful news, may God continue to guide you & bless you as you move towards final vows and beyond.
What wonderful news! An awesome date too. May you sail peacefully to your final vows and to forever.
Thank you for your beautiful sharing. Congrats for your upcoming final vows. GOD is really great all the time. God bless you.
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