
7 Years Ago Yesterday

Late August must be a popular time for entering religious communities or making vows.  My Facebook feed has been full of young nun friends marking their anniversary dates.  This made me pause and look back at the way back machine that is this blog.  Guess what! It turns out that yesterday was 7 years since I was received as a novice and became "Sister Susan."

Here's a walk down memory lane from that auspicious day!

Well folks, it was an amazing day. I'm a bit at a loss for words so I'll use pictures to tell the story... We gathered in our Chapel at St. Mary-on-the-lake. Our sister Novice  had been received earlier in the day in New Jersey. Chero & I were received by our own groovy province out west. We shared our hopes for the novitiate ...We got our Peace Crosses (our symbol of identity with the congregation)...
We received our own copies of our Constitutions (so I can now return my long borrowed copy) ...
In addition to the many groovy sisters and associates in attendance, I had my own cheering section. Here's Kim &  Jackie taking pictures ... My friends Sr. Pat & Sr. Sharon from my parish also came as a surprise! ...
I cried a lot ... happy tears. I'm a poignant moment crier, and today was a special day in my life. Alexandra gave an amazing reflection - a letter from our foundress Margaret Anna Cusack to the new novices. That started my tears of joy and gratitude rolling ...
The new novices .... notice our Peace Crosses! (and accidentally color coordinated outfits).
There was a party after in the dining room. Lots of visiting, treats and fun. Afterwards Jackie, Kim & I went back to my house. I'm spending the next week and a half (until I fly to New Jersey to enter the Congregational Novitiate) living with the sisters I spent my groovy sister reserves with this past year. We went to Saturday vigil mass, had a yummy bbq dinner on the deck, and then I opened my cards and gifts. A good day, even if I have some adjusting to do to this ...
Mostly I'm deeply happy and grateful to God for this invitation and the whatever it took to finally say yes. Not to mention this amazing community of friends I have found to journey with. Wow .... But for now, BED!!

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