
Deeper and Wider

The theme of my community's General Chapter, which will take place in September, is "Deeper and Wider - The Challenge of Peace." Here is a prayer poem I wrote this morning,  inspired by the theme.

God's gift of peace
calls us deeper into the very
heart of God.

Christ's blessing,
promised to peacemakers,
challenges us ...
to stretch out
our hearts,
our minds,
our hands,
ever wider,
embracing all God's children,
embracing all God's creation.

Deeper and wider,
we are one,
immersed in the immensity
of God's love
for each and every one of us,
and in a particular way,
for those called least.

The challenge
it seems
is to focus our energies,
our resources,
and our very being,
in solidarity and justice
with those
Christ loved so well.

That is our challenge.
That is our call.
That is the promise
and gift
of peace.

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