
Trafficking: Resilience & Resistance ... new Global Sisters Report column

My latest column was just posted on Global Sisters Report. This column focuses on the reality of human trafficking, what I've learned from journeying with trafficked persons, and some ideas on how we can resist the social sin of human trafficking (yes, essentially what I'm hoping to turn into my MA thesis).
Poverty puts people at risk of being trafficked by creating a seemingly endless supply of vulnerable people, in the midst of a culture that devalues life and human dignity. Profits fuel the multi-billion dollar human trafficking industry, in which human beings are treated as disposable commodities. We cannot stop our analysis here, however. If we are truly committed to ending trafficking, we must also look critically at our role. Consumers demand cheap products at any cost, while our sexualized culture normalizes sexual exploitation. In my presentations to community groups, parishes or schools, I have always challenged those becoming aware of the reality of human trafficking to ask themselves how they might use their own power as conscious consumers, citizens and members of society to resist and help break the cycle of demand.

Read the whole column over at Global Sisters Report!

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