
Shattering moments of the every day

I'm having a bad day. I had my hard work criticized by someone who really doesn't quite get it but has power in the office. I finally managed to crack a hard problem in this project I'm working on, only to have my computer freak out and lose it all. And it's not even 10 am.

Judging by how shattered I feel, there's more going on here than these small things. A big part of it I think is struggling with where I'm at now. Finding it in me to give my all to my present commitments. To do the job I'm paid to do even as I'm discerning a more fulfilling future in religious life. Which I know will have shattering moments of its own.

So I turned to Sr. Joan Chittister's Psalm Journal. I'm on week 28.

… if we cling too fiercely to our limited vision, we break. On the other hand, if we meet God openheartedly, we find what the psalmist found: This is the God who works wonders.

That helps. Now it's back to the wars. Let's just hope my computer cooperates.

1 comment:

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

My day got better. Interestingly it turned around when I had lunch with a Holy Names Sister friend of mine. We're planning a presentation we're giving at a Catholic Social Justice conference. Working on something that fulfills me turned my day around. I got back to work and was able to work on the mundane unfilfilling bureaucratic stuff. .... I am definitely ready for a change. Just need to find a way to hold out for that day.