
Palm Sunday Thoughts

Taught pre-school this morning … had the wise thought to confiscate the palms at the beginning (had visions of palm fights in my head). Rewarded the kids with a "parade" at the end – Palm fronds, noise makers and shouting "hosanna." 17 munchkins this morning, we barely fit in the room!

Went to mass this evening. As I was listening to the Passion being read, the enormity of it hit me. Before my mom got sick, whenever I heard the Passion story I heard it. This happened, that happened. Peter denied Jesus. Jesus was taunted and tortured. But it was a story.

Then my mom got sick and I watched her suffer and eventually die from the cancer. She passed away October 2003. Last year, Holy Week was really hard for me. I FELT it like never before.

And tonight, as I sat listening to the Passion, I felt it. I was moved, almost to tears. Christ suffered died and was buried. Christ is with us in our suffering. He KNOWS. How amazing is that?

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