

5 days away from work (including the weekend)! I am so very very very excited. I need some distance from work. Both physical and mental. Let’s just say it was a rough week. Did I mention I was excited?

I’m headed north to Seattle bright and early in the morning. I’m going to rendezvous with Sr. Julie (one very groovy sister who ministers to homeless native americans) and then we’re heading to the Northwest Catholic Women’s Convocation. I’ve never been to one before, but I’ve only heard good things. More than 1,000 Catholic women taking over the convention center. Loads of dynamic speakers. I’ll also have a chance to connect with people in the throngs … other groovy sisters … one of my fellow pre-candidates … vocation directors from other orders who I got to know last year when I was shopping around … and other women I know who happen to be Catholic I’m sure.

Monday & Tuesday I’ll be back home, but I’m taking vacation anyway. The main plan is to clean my mess of a house and START paring down. We’re having a rummage sale at church and I’d like to find some quality items to donate. Plus if I’m looking at a simple lifestyle/vow of poverty some day …. well, let’s just say I’ve got a long way to go. Need to start small and early … it’ll take a long time to get to simple! I’ve also got "play dates"/lunch plans set up with each of my adorable god children (and their moms too of course!).

So, long story short I’ll be away from the computer and thus the blog for a few days. It’s funny how I’ve got my blog "friends" that I’ve never met yet I check in with every day. On the odd chance that there are folks checking in on me, figured I should let you know where I’ve gone. Plus the whole point of THIS blog is supposed to be sharing my discernment journey. And I guess this weekend is a part of that journey.

Peace & Joy to all who happen upon this blog.


mark said...

May this time away be refreshing, fulfilling, relaxing and enlightening ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Vacations from work are indeed right and salutary! I hope you enjoy yours!

Steve Bogner said...

I hope you have/had a great time!

Paring down.... we need to do that too. It's amazing how much junk accumulates, particulary when one gets kids...

~pen~ said...

i agree with the paring down - walking this walk with you, in even the small amount that i am, is so very exciting to me. you seem so grounded and focused all the time, you will make a great sister :)

peace on your vacation.