

I met with my spiritual director this morning. It seemed like it had been AGES since we'd last met (it's only been a month). Last night I went for a long walk and reflected for a bit to prepare for the session. I had a list of a thousand things to talk about - mostly things I've been noticing happening internally that I wanted to run by her. We of course didn't get to all of them, but suffice it to say we had a wonderful visit per usual. General consensus being yes, I'm on the right track. All day long though I've had little thoughts pop up. "Oh!" "Ah ha!" "Hmm…." "What about?" Etc….

The priest friend who referred me to my director made a comment the other day (a joke of sorts) that if I ended up joining the groovy sisters, they'd owe her big time. I've been thinking about that joke/statement. First of all, how cute that he thinks I'm such a "catch". That's a compliment in itself, especially since he's one of my favorite people in the world and is in this "business".

But there's also a lot of truth to what he said. Who knows how far along I'd be without her direction. I started seeing her in August, and at the time I was maybe kind of possibly some day thinking about the possibility of whether maybe just maybe I was called to religious life but wasn't sure what I thought about that. Whew! What a mouthful, but I was carrying that mouthful around for months and it felt great to get it out. She's a very calming presence. Helps me get to where I need to be at my own pace. She's so subtle and gentle that it's often not until days or weeks or months later that I get those "Oh!" or "Ah ha!" moments. She's such a "master" at this, I don't think I've really realized the role she's played or what I owe her, let alone the groovy sisters. Especially since she's a member of one of the other communities I was getting to know!

All I know is when I look at where I am now compared to where I was then …. I have a lot to be thankful for.

1 comment:

Regina said...

When you can find the right person to be with and feel free to express yourself- that's priceless. The fact that not only is your spiritual director a great listener but also full of wisdom, that's the tops. Everything just falls into place, Susan...