
On the Knight Bus

Had my spiritual direction appointment this morning. We're both somewhat amazed at the speed with which my journey has progressed. In a good way, but amazing nonetheless. I shared my feeling like I'm on the Knight Bus (see my last post if you have no idea what I'm talking about). I'm still somewhat freaked out by how things are moving along of their own (or God's?) accord, but in general I feel peace and calm with it all in my heart. I think it's kind of like when a dam is released - all the water that had been pushing there is let go with a whoosh and the energy is released. Once I removed the dam and actually admitted to myself that maybe there was something to all of this, things have rushed along on their merry way. New obstacles I'm sure will present themselves. But I'm not worried at the moment … this all just seems so right. Trust - so simple and so complex.



Mark Mossa, SJ said...

Hey! I've been on that bus! It can be a little bumpy, but it's worth the trip!

Karen Sapio said...

Hi--glad to see a fellow Oregonian on the RevGal blogring. I feel like an novice user of floo powder--turning up in fireplaces I wasn't expecting to turn up in . . .

jo(e) said...

The cool thing about the Knight Bus is that is that the ride is always exciting, even if it gets a little crazy.