
prayers for some lawyers-to-be

So far on my journey I have been strengthened by the prayers of friends. Today I ask for prayers for my friends K & V. They will be locked in a room today and tomorow as they take the bar exam so they can become fancy pants lawyers. They've had a lot happen in the weeks since law school graduation - not including studying for the bar. Please keep them in your prayers.

I looked up the patron saints for lawyers. One is Catherine of Alexandria. Planning to say some prayers for the pair at mass today. Can't hurt.

1 comment:

Talmida said...

The other, of course, is St. Thomas More. Do you have the Red Mass where you are? Many dioceses have St. Thomas More Guilds or Associations that put on a mass to pray for lawyers and judges and bless the "Fall Assizes" as they are called in England. The group here does it and it is gorgeous -- the lawyers and judges are all in their legal gowns, the mounties wear their red dress tunics, lots of pomp and circumstance. :)

I'll pray for your friends. My Beloved just presented his student for admission to the bar last week.