
random dog thoughts

I've been dog sitting this weekend for two very sweet dogs. I like dogs. But just as baby sitting helps me realize I don't really want kids of my own, so too dog sitting. They're just there ALL THE TIME. I grew up with a dog but I do not remember Sandy following me around everywhere I go. Of course, it could just be that Violet & Boots miss their people … who come back Tuesday night. Until then I expect to have my omnipresent furry friends on my tail at all times while in the house.

It was a bit sad after the weekend with them to have to come into work this morning. I felt a bit like I was abandoning them as I closed and locked the door. I'll be back, I said in my not-so-perfect Arnold impersonation.

The unconditional love in a dog's eyes - that's probably part of the appeal.

1 comment:

lorem ipsum said...

When my cousin was a boy, he wanted a dog. My aunt was afraid of all animals and so this family with four kids never had any pets.

Anyway, my aunt is very religious and so my cousin wrote letters from 'God' to his mother, trying to convince her that it was God's will for her son to have a dog.

'The dog is one of my favorite creations,' one letter read, 'and you can see it:

G O D.'

My cousin is now going on forty and still never had a dog. Which I think is a shame...