Occasional musings of a Generation X Sister of St. Joseph of Peace. Read along as I live into a life of love and service as a modern day Catholic Sister (aka "nun") and continue to discern my call to "act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God."
say groovy sisters
You've read the blog - now you get to see what this discerning woman looks like. This picture was taken at the Jubilee Celebrations for the groovy sisters in June. From left to right you have Sr. Sheila (the Congregation Leader), Yours Truly, Hellen and Susana (the other two pre-candidates from the west coast), and Sr. Jo-Anne (the vocation director). Hellen & Susana have their pictures on the vocation website so I figure this is safe to post. I love this picture because it reminds me of a wonderful day and everyone is so happy. I had a wonderful time at the Jubilee - just the memory of the celebrations of the Sisters with anniversaries brings a smile to my face. Kind of like in this picture!

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Well it's great to finally have a face to go with the name - thanks!
Hi Susan - I just wanted to thank you for blogging, in general -- I found your blog just a couple days ago, and spent my lunch hours reading through your archives the past couple days. Although I haven't admitted it to anybody but myself yet, I am in that nervous, "I'm sort of thinking about whether I maybe should consider religious life" phase myself, looking for courage to take the next step. I get the sense you and I would get along quite well (like you, I rank "Clue" as one of my top 5 favorite movies; I love Sr. Peg on "SVU"; I even have a mix CD with "The District Sleeps Tonight" that I listen to at work! So there's a start), and knowing that you've found such fulfillment already as you've walked this path makes me feel like I should trust my instincts and check it out for myself. Reading your journal is really encouraging me to move forward, and giving me a sense of what I can expect as I do. You are so responsive to the voice of God in your life, and I am so glad you're taking the time to share that here!
Thanks so much for writing! The thing I love most about blogging is finding kindred spirits. You know, those folks you know are out ther *somewhere* ....
My e-mail is on the bottom right of my main blog page. If you ever want to drop me a line (outside of the more public blog comments) please do so.
Peace to you on YOUR journey,
Wow, Susan! There you are! You're right- what a wonderful time, indeed!
Sheila (and Susan, of course!) ~
I'm with you in terms of how helpful this stuff is. When I first began my kicking and screaming avoidance way back when, it seemed like all I ever saw was the holy pious "When I was in second grade and Sr. Mary Crucifix was preparing me for First Communion, I knew that all I wanted was to marry Jesus and serve God forever" .... which wasn't very helpful to someone who's primary mode of thinking about this was "I AM NOT A NUN!" That was one of the things with the community I'm now in -- they had vocation stories on their website (of "young" people, no less). And, while there were some "always knew", there was also a fair share of "Me? A nun? No way in [heck]." And yet, there they were, doing well and thriving.
Just cuz we're "nuns" doesn't make us all holy and pious and everything else. I'm still a major trouble-maker and instigator. The difference is that now I have lots of people to instigate with!
If I can do anything for either of you (or any of the anonymous lurkers out there), drop a comment on my as-yet-pretty-bare-bones "Steph's Spot" blog. Our e-mail system is pretty spam-filter-happy these days, so many legitimate messages aren't getting through, so that's the best way right now. (Go figure, mail from my mom is spam, but mail offering to enlarge anatomical elements that I don't even have comes through in multitudes?!?!?)
FYI ... I've been in community almost three years and made my first profession last July, and I just added a comment to the nun/sister terminology debate.
Blessings on both your journeys!
susan!!! there you are!!!
(i always feel like the last to arrive at a party...)
you are as wonderful as i suspected you'd be :)
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