
a good reminder

Today's Daily Dig is from St. Edith Stein:

The duties and cares of the day crowd about us when we awake each day - if they have not already dispelled our night's rest. How can everything be accommodated in one day? When will I do this, when that? How will it all be accomplished? Thus agitated, we are tempted to run and rush. And so we must take the reins in hand and remind ourselves, "Let go of your plans. The first hour of your morning belongs to God. Tackle the day's work that he charges you with, and he will give you the power to accomplish it."

A good reminder, and along the lines of my aha moment the other day. Although that doesn't mean mean I practice it. (I've got a long way to go on this journey with God!) I remember reading years ago an interview with Martin Luther King. The question was asked how on earth he does all he does in a day. His answer was simple and along the lines of Edith Stein's quote. He gave the first hour to God every day, and God gave him time to do everything else.

I'd need to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier to get a whole hour. On a workday that's tough. This morning I managed 15 minutes, which is my minimum. I have a feeling though if I could block out an hour, everything else would fall into place.


Apostle John said...

An excellent post!

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this, it's a wonderful reminder that everything originates with God.