
5 weird habits meme

Birthday Girl Kat tagged me a few days ago. Here goes – 5 weird habits of mine:

1. I like to do a load of laundry at night and put it in the dryer before bed. Then, when I wake up I turn the dryer on for a little extra heat so I can pull the clothes out relatively wrinkle free and therefore not partake of the iron.

2. I like to travel in circles. If I go one way to the store, I like to come back another way so I’m not going down the same streets twice.

3. I’m very frugal when it comes to heat in my house – partly because my apartment has an insane "heating" system. Radiant heat in the ceiling. As heat rises, it is EXPENSIVE!!! So it’s cold and snowy outside, and my "heat" is set to 55 degrees. I am typing in many layers of clothing under a fleece blanket.

4. I save up annoying phone message/e-mails at work that require a response. Then one or two days a week when I’m feeling particularly good I plow through them all at once.

5. I tend to eat the same thing for breakfast for MONTHS, and then never eat it again. For a while it was peanut butter toast. Now it’s veggie sausage.

If you want to play, consider yourself tagged.

Happy Belated Birthday Kat!

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