
another sign of the times

A few signs actually that I'm getting older. Last night was a Pastoral Council free 3rd Tuesday of the month (seeing as I'm no longer on the pastoral council). A friend invited me to go hear some music. The bands were ok, the club was super cool. Think Jetsons meets a ski lodge. And no smoking!!

But even though I was in bed by midnight, I'm very bleary eyed this morning. Methinks I'm too old to stay out late at a show and have the energy to be a productive adult in the morning.

I also kept seeing people who looked familiar, but weren't who I thought they were. My friend's comment to me ….. "That's because they look like the people you'd see at shows when you were in your 20's, but now they're in their 20's and you're not." Point well taken. And some of them did NOT look like they were old enough to be in a 21 and over club.

Alas. Age. It happens.

1 comment:

Mark Mossa, SJ said...

I hear ya!

The other night, when the Weston Christmas party was over, some of our younger students invited me for an after-party excursion.

I responded in a very pastoral way: You all have fun, and be careful. I'm going home!

Still, it's nice to be asked.

Have a blessed Christmas!
