
groovy-ness makes the world go round

It’s not often that you get an opportunity to "coin a phrase." But you know what, I think I have – "groovy sisters."

I started using the term to help my friends understand the type of religious community I was looking for. Recognizing that all vocations and the forms they take are a gift from God, I knew what I was looking for. A community of women religious who were the groovy, saving the world types. Working to right unjust structures. Speaking truth to power. Standing with the powerless and oppressed. In the world, not of the world, but working to change the world. Spreading the Gospel of peace and having fun while they’re at it.

Originally I meant the term to be exclusive to My Groovy Sisters – the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. And on this blog, the term is used as a pseudonym/nick name for my community. And in my heart the CSJP’s ARE the Groovy Sisters. Always have been, always will be. And if you scroll down to the right of the screen you’ll see pictures of the ORIGINAL groovy sisters.

But I’ve noticed a few others using the term in the blogosphere to help describe the type of community they too are looking for. Or that they’ve been blessed to possibly find. So far it’s popped up on Natty’s blog, Steph’s blog, and Lauren’s blog. A technorati search even comes up with some options – many of them of course from this here humble blog.

And I think it’s great. Language is important. It gives context to our lives and helps us make sense of the world. And so, I hereby bequeath the phrase "groovy sister" to all those women religious and wanna-be-women-religious in the world who resonate with the term. May it fare thee well and lead thee to much groovy-ness, happiness and peace.

Give me a G. Give me an R. Give me an O. Give me 2 V’s. ive me a Y. What does its spell????? GROOVY!! (Or as an anonymous commenter so correctly points out, it spells grovvy. So replace an extra v with an o and you have groovy!)

There’s more than enough groovy-ness to go around. God is good. And I have such hope for the future of religious life.

Peace Out,
Groovy-Sister Reservist & Trainee


Anonymous said...

Ummm... two V's?

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

So I can't spell.

Or was it to see if anyone would notice????

Or else, maybe it's just residual effects of cheerleader trauma growing up.

In any case, I'm going to go fix it now Mr. or Ms. Anonymous!!

Steph Youstra said...

Can you then use your great influence to broaden the range of my own personally-coined phrase (on a very small scale) .... referring to the canonical novitiate as "Lockdown"? Although I suppose for some that's not as inspiring as "grooviness" ...

And, I must add, that I'm glad to see that the "CSJP'S ARE the Groovy Sisters", and not that the "CSJPs are THE groovy sisters" ... thanks for allowing room in that classification for the others of us!

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...


Lockdown, huh? I must say that term doesn't do much to alleviate any pre-novitiate anxiety I may or may not have!!!!! :)

And you of course are one groovy sister! As I said, more than enough groovy-ness to go around.

Anonymous said...

As "Lockdown" could/will take me to live in St. Louis for a year at the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate, I have a hard time resonating with the idea of "lockdown." I'm very exicted about the prospect... but I think if the novitiate was like yours, I'd be right on board with your terminology there, Steph.