
unexpected joy

Today's Revgalblogpal Advent Reflection by Revmom/Cheesehead touches on joy.

Joy is a word we hear a lot this time of year. But joy is not the same as happiness. We are often finding things to be happy or unhappy about. Joy is another animal all together. It is so deep and abiding. And as Revmom/Cheesehead says in her reflection, unexpected: "But joy sneaks up on you when you least expect it; joy owns you, often in a way you don’t anticipate."

There comes a point in Harry Potter when the Harry needs to remember a moment when he was truly happy in order to fend off some foul creatures that want to eat his soul. His first memories weren't strong enough - they were the run of the mill happy. In the end he needed to find a truly joyous moment.

This all got me thinking about a moment when I was very unexpectedly filled with joy. It was back when I was first beginning to stop actively ignoring this tug I was feeling in my heart. I'd starting talking to my pastor about the direction my life was going and where God was calling me. I'd been dancing around the realization that all signs were pointing to religious life. As I think I've written here before, I wasn't too terribly excited about the idea intellectually. But then the joy hit me. In the bathroom at work of all places. I remember looking in the mirror, washing my hands, filled with joy at the wondrous possibility that I could become a Sister. I could use my gifts to serve God and help transform the world. I was literally bursting with joy. I wanted to tell the whole world. Instead I was a good bureaucrat and went back to my desk to what seemed even more like drudgery in comparison to the joyous possibilities that lay ahead for me to explore.

I've got the last part of my groovy sister application coming up on Wednesday - the dreaded psychological evaluation. It'll be fine I know but I am of course somewhat nervous. But, like Harry, I'm planning to hold on to the memory of this joyous moment in the bathroom to see me through.


Mark Mossa, SJ said...

Don't worry. The Psych eval is actually kinda fun!

Though the MMPI, if they have you take it, has like 500 questions!

Good luck!


Claire Joy said...

I always thought of joy as the feeling I had when I was "in the moment" as they say… totally present to the happiness, as opposed to happiness that comes in happily ever after, which of course never comes.

Steph Youstra said...

I woulda wished you luck, but .... oops!

Oh well, you know the thought woulda been there if I had a clue, right?