
blast from the past

I was looking for a file on my computer to work on my self-reflection. I found the results of an exercise I've recommended to those discerning a religious vocation. To discover your charism/what you're looking for in a religious community, you go through the Vision magazine and highlight the phrases that jump out at you. Put it all together and you get YOUR charism. Well, in July of 2004 (a month before I met the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace) I recorded the results of this exercise:

Clues to my charism, values or spirit
(words highlighted from various communities’ descriptions)
Transformation of the world, church and ourselves
Promoting & effecting positive systemic change
Furtherance of role of women in church & society
Build hope, share joy and bring peace
Make the world a better place
Courageous women of faith
Promote social justice as a way to peace
Prophetic witness to the Gospel
Full development of all members of God’s family
Supported by a community of prayer
Turn Christ’s vision into a reality – Build the kingdom of God
Shape the future of the world with compassion and love
Embrace the hopes and sufferings of the world

So there’s a pattern here. Based on these clues, if I were to imagine founding a religious order, what would it look like?

A community of compassionate, hopeful and courageous women of faith strengthened and challenged by prayer to bear prophetic witness of the Gospel to the world. Committed to the full development of all members of God’s human family. Working to make the world a better and more peaceful place through positive systemic change. Day by day, sharing God’s peace, compassion and love to slowly but surely transform the world, church and ourselves. Turning this vision into a reality – building the Kingdom of God on earth.

And you know what? God led me to the community that best embodies that charism for me. My very own groovy sisters. I love it when a former you leaves a gift like that to be found at JUST the right time! Thank's me!!!


Lisa said...

What affirmation *and* confirmation! I hope you share that in your reflection.

Anonymous said...

Very cool! I think I already know where I'm heading, but it sounds like a neat exercise anyway. I think I'll share that with my GS VD this weekend!