
breathing air

What's my inner deejay saying today? It's the voice of Doug Martsch from Built to Spill from the song "Center of the Universe."

I don't like this air, but that doesn't mean I'll stop breathing it

The air I think being work. Ugghh … I was gone for one day (Friday) and I've been putting out fires all morning. I honestly don't know how I'm going to be able to tie up loose ends when more and more ends keep getting frayed. And it's complicated by the fact that I'm finding it extremely hard to care. But, this is the air I need to breathe right now. This is the work I need to do. And so I'm here. And so I do.

On a MUCH happier note, the debt-repayment fairy (aka my Dad) sent me a very generous check in the mail today that will knock out more than 1/3 of my remaining debt. This of course will help make my debt-free-day come sooner and allow me to move on to novitiate in the fall if all else goes according to plan.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hi, Susan, after reading your post today I posted a workplace version of Psalm 23 on my blog . I thought you might appreciate it! I know how frustrating it is to go back to work and have things (unnecessarily) waiting for you. Try to keep it all in perspective. In all likelihood, it won't be until you've left for the novitiate that they realize how valuable you are and how much you do for them.