
in God's eyes

This jumped out at me in today's first reading (still Samuel):

"God does not see as human beings see; they look at appearances but Yahweh looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7).

That bit of wisdom would be welcome to high school students the world over. But our self esteem issues (those of us that have them) stick with us and rear their nasty little heads from time to time. Even after years of good work in therapy, says one who speaks from experience. Good to remember that they are not of God. God sees into our hearts. That's where we need to focus. That's the place to start our extreme makovers.

1 comment:

Talmida said...

Thanks for this. I went and looked up the Hebrew and that part of the verse is very stark, but balanced:

the human looks to eyes
God looks to heart

Most translators insert at things visible to make "the human looks at things visible to the eyes". But if we keep the balance in the verse: God looks at things visible to the heart.

Is God looking at our hearts? or at things that are visible to His heart? Or maybe those are the same things?

Just thinking out loud.
