
good feeling still have I

I just realized that this week marks a year since I reached a point in my discernment that I knew not only did I want to explore religious life, I wanted to do that in the context of one particular community … the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (a.k.a. Groovy Sisters). Up until that point I’d been getting to know two communities (a.k.a. “double dating”). But finally I knew in my head what I think I’d always known in my heart … these women might just be home for me.

And how cool that instead of scrounging around for my journals to reflect back on what that decision was like (which would be impossible as I’m in Seattle for the weekend and my old journals are in Portland), I can just look back in my blog archives! See, the blog is really just for me! Having the rest of you read and comment is just a bonus. ;)

My good feeling about the community leads me to meet with my vocation director to chat about next steps. (2.12.05)

Continuing to feel good about this step, I mail off my letter requesting to become a pre-candidate. (Valentine’s Day 2005!)

I get the province newsletter that says I’ve been accepted as a pre-candidate! (2.19.05)

And then I got the nice and affirming letter welcoming as a precandidate. (2.22.05)

Precandidacy was the first step. In September I became a candidate. And God willing in the fall I’ll become a novice. All steps on the journey. But you know what??? I still have a very good feeling about all this! (a reverse star wars reference for those in the know).

1 comment:

Christina said...

Congradulations on your acceptance! Perhaps going into the religious life is a bit safer than going up against a Death Star or jumping into a garbage compactor, but you never know and it pays to listen to these feelings ;)

May the Force [of our most wonderful God] be with you!