
just call me "friend of blind person"

Today’s Gospel (Mark 8: 22-26) has a special place in my heart. You see, today Jesus cures the blind man. And a long time ago in an 8th grade Catholic School Passion Play in a suburb far away, I was cast as the "friend of blind person." A thrilling theatrical performance to be sure! (Can you sense the sarcasm?) I’ll admit that at first blush I was disappointed to get such a low key role. Why couldn’t I be the woman who washed his feet or even one of the people who got to shout "crucify him!". Now that would have been dramatic.

In the end however, I did in fact play the friend of blind person. And my best friend JoAnna was said blind person. Looking back though, perhaps this was the greater lesson. Taking a friend in need by the arm, leading her to Jesus. Filled with faith that yes, this is the one who can help her at last.

How disappointed the blind man in the story (and his friends) must have been when Jesus takes him aside, rubs his eyes, and asks him "Do you see anything?". Because the truth was, while his sight was party cleared, he was just seeing blurry shapes. Maybe Jesus wasn’t who he thought he was after all. But Jesus was still honing his craft, getting into the groove. Realizing his first attempt did not have quite enough "oomph" he tries again. And the blind man can see. And the blind man’s friends I’m sure let out a hugh sigh of relief. Their faith was not for naught.

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see this in a different way (no pun intended)

often we want to please the one praying for us and we say 'yeah it's better' when it's not.

The blind man wanted healing, and he pressed in WITH Jesus until he could see. I think that's the lesson that God wants ME at least to get from this.

Be honest before Him
Say it as it really is - He knows it anyway ... we don't need to paint God in bright colours, He is already radient - but He works in ways we cannot and shouldn't pretend to understand.

thanks for sharing this. Blind people need friends. And we are all blind in different ways.

You are a good friend. A woman of God.
Be blessed