
who is this crazy susan rose woman anyway?

Figured it might be worth giving a summary post for those visiting for the first time. Just what is this blog all about?

My name is Susan. Rose is my middle name. Hence "Susan Rose" is my blogidentity. I’m in my early – almost mid - 30’s. I’ve been a career bureaucrat since college, but have also been actively involved in my parish and in particular peace & justice ministries for the past six years or so. A few years ago it dawned on me that while my work was exhausting and draining, my church ministries and peace & justice work were life giving and energizing. It took me a while, but I finally gave in and listened to what that might mean. For the past two almost three years (hard to believe!) I’ve been discerning a religious vocation and have been blessed to find a wonderful community of religious women whose charism is peace through justice.

I am currently in initial formation with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (a.k.a. the "groovy sisters" a phrase I claim to have coined but which others have adopted for their own religious communities that are dear to their hearts and particularly groovy). This year is my candidacy year, and I’m spending 2 weekends a month living in community (a.k.a. "groovy sister reserves," a phrase coined by Mark Mossa, sj). I hope to enter novitiate in the fall, and take temporary vows in 2008. God willing of course!

I started this blog in large part to share my story, and to let people know that yes, "people still do this." Religious life is alive and well (if different) and the glimmers I get of my future in this life bring joy to my heart. And what good is joy if you don’t share it?

So if this is your first time here, welcome. Feel free to browse. If you’re interested in my discernment story check out the drop down menus to the right. For my general discernment journey, check out "discernment updates". Or if you wonder what it’s like to start experiencing community, check out the "groovy sister reserves" menu. I’m also headed up to Seattle this weekend so there should be some new groovy sister reserve posts soon!

I also tend to share random thoughts I have about the world, or inspired by scripture or spiritual reading. And sometimes I just take a silly internet blog quiz because sometimes, that’s what you have to do! I’ve also got some great blogs over on my blog roll. So if you’re visiting for the first time, welcome to the inner workings of my mind and to my journey. I hope you’re glad you stopped by. I also love comments so feel free to say hi!



Anonymous said...

Hi Susan!
Glad to meet you through your blog. It is comforting to know there are other women out there going through similar experiences (and with a lot of courage to share your life openly). I am slightly envious of your novitiate entry count-down. I am living with Sisters in a pre-candidacy year, so another year and 6 months before I get to novitiate. Somewhere along the line this year will get counted with the entrance date of September 8 (a very blessed date in deed). Many prayers as you continue the journey.

Susan Rose Francois, CSJP said...

Kate! Thanks for the visit!!!

And exciting for me to "meet" another woman going through a similar experience.

My e-mail is susan at francois dot org. Feel free to send me an offline message. I'd love to hear more about your experiences.
