
sexism schmexism

It's International Women's Day. My brave bloggy friends Michelle, Talmida and Sylvia are participating in a little thing called "Blog Against Sexism Day" to mark the ocassion. Michelle's also got a post on our group social justice blog. I say brave because they are Catholic Bloggers and the position of women in our church is … well … complicated. And if you happen to bring up the idea that MAYBE the way things are currently isn't exactly reflective of Gospel values or the dignity of all human persons, you're a dissenter, heathen or (gasp!) feminist!

Blog Against Sexism Day

I'm going to join them in blogging against sexism. I'm at the tail end of my lunch hour so I'll keep this short. Plus I don't really have an interest in debating assorted hot potato issues. Instead I simply share my prayer.

Loving God. You were born of woman. You died with women at your side. And you revealed your risen self first to a woman. We are all made in your image, women and men. Help us to see the Christ in each other, regardless of gender. Guide your Church, Bishops, Priests, Religious and laity. Teach us to become a Church where all are welcome, all are valued, and all voices are heard. May the gifts and talents of women one day be fully embraced and utilized by your Church. I leave the details of what that looks like that up to you. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that. Thanks.

Michelle said...

What a beautiful prayer, Susan! A great addition to Blog Day, I say. :)

Talmida said...

Well said, Susan. I'll add my Amen too.
